Saturday 15 March 2014

John 10:1-21 - The work of a shepherd

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David was a shepherd before he was anointed the king of Israel, and Jesus who is the King of Kings is also the good shepherd. He says so in verse 11, and he makes it clear that a good shepherd is one who values the lives of the sheep more highly than his own life.

Jesus is speaking fundamental truth to his disciples. He is being completely logical; everything he says hangs together and makes perfect sense. Clearly, the Jews (ie the religious leaders) are divided. Some of them think Yahshua is demon-possessed and crazy; the others are sure his healing power demonstrates otherwise.

The fact is, everything depends on our assessment of who he is. If we think he is crazy and misled we can have no part in his final victory. If we think he is the Son of the Most High and has authority to lay down his life and also to take it up again, we become co-heirs with him of the kingdom and everything that includes and implies.

And for us as Jesus' disciples in the twenty-first century, if we truly follow him we too will be good shepherds [Tweet it!]. This is why he said to Peter, 'Feed my sheep'. If we love him, we will indeed feed his sheep. And feeding a sheep involves leading it to a place where there are green things to eat. We need to be constantly leading one another to the place of healthy nourishment, helping one another to be and remain in Jesus' presence and will.

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